13 Benefits of Drinking Coffee: Why Your Brain Craves It

Coffee lovers, it’s time to rejoice! Your brain craves this hot, caffeinated fix every morning. We’ve all heard the downside of drinking coffee — that is, the adverse effects of caffeine.

The good news is that it’s not all bad news when it comes to this beloved drink. The infographic below lists all the positive reasons why this beverage can be good for you. Drinking it can help you live longer, focus better, fight depression, and potentially help you to lose weight.

A research study found that most people can drink up to 24 oz. a day with few downsides. That’s 4 cups a day for a standard 8 oz. cup. I personally think the effects of coffee experienced depends on your “tolerance.” If you’re a heavy drinker, the caffeine from a couple of cups probably won’t affect you. But for people like me who are only occasional drinkers, two cups accelerates my heartbeat and gives me shaky hands (I know from experience). I can’t imagine the effects on me from drinking 4 cups.

Remember, too much of anything is bad. But in moderation, this caffeinated obsession can provide surprising benefits.

13 Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Benefits drinking coffee infographic

13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Coffee [Infographic] by the team at DrippedCoffee.

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