Nominate a Teacher! Over $30,000 in Prizes via Juicy Juice 100% Thankful Teacher Contest – #100Thankful

Disclosure: This is a Juicy Juice sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Teacher Contest Banner

The 2020 school year will definitely be one to remember. In the spring, our school district closed due to Covid-19. The kids suddenly converted to distance learning from home. With little notice, teachers, parents, and administrators had to figure out how to make learning work outside of school buildings.

For our family, it was a difficult transition emotionally and academically. It was a huge change for everyone. We eventually settled into a routine and got through the academic year. At the end of it all, I, like many other parents, felt an even greater appreciation for our teachers than before.

Bicultural Mama Juicy Juice Teacher Contest #100Thankful

With the upcoming school year, our district is offering a couple of options for going back to school. One option is a hybrid model (a few days in school, a few days remote). The other is a full distance learning choice with the flexibility to transition to the hybrid model at certain points throughout the year.

Teachers will be taking on more responsibility. They’ll not only be potentially putting themselves in harm’s way, but also managing students in-class and at home while acting as mask monitors. Yet they continue to teach because they believe in educating our children. I am so thankful and appreciative of them.

Juicy Juice 100% Thankful Teacher Contest – Nominate a Teacher

Now you can show your appreciation for teachers by nominating them in the Juicy Juice 100% Thankful Teacher Contest. The contest is offering over $30,000 in prizes!

Nominate up to three deserving teachers by August 31, 2020 by completing the nomination form at You can also follow the contest using the #100Thankful hashtag. After nominating your teachers, check back at to view all the finalists and vote for your favorite!

Juicy Juice Apple Juice Box

I’m a big fan of Juicy Juice 100% Juice for my kids because it has no added sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, and is an excellent source of Vitamin C. It also provides one cup of fruit in every 8 ounce serving. I love that through their connections with kids and parents, Juicy Juice is launching this contest to acknowledge teachers and provide them with the recognition they deserve.

Teachers’ Prizes

  • Two (2) Grand Prize Winners: $10,000 check, Juicy Juice merchandise and Juicy Juice product
  • Five (5) First Prize Winners: $1,000 Michaels gift card, Juicy Juice merchandise and Juicy Juice product
  • Ten (10) Second Prize Winners: $500 Michaels gift card, Juicy Juice merchandise and Juicy Juice product
  • Three (3) Runners-up: Juicy Juice merchandise and Juicy Juice product

These are fabulous prizes! So make sure to nominate a teacher who you think deserves to win. Who knows, maybe YOUR teacher will be a winner!

For crafts and recipes ideas using Juicy Juice, please CLICK HERE.

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