
Healthy Mama Offers the First Over-the-Counter Pregnancy Safe Remedies

Disclosure: I received samples to assess for this post. All opinions are solely my own.


When you’re pregnant, there are so many exciting changes taking place. Not so thrilling are the non-glamorous side effects of pregnancy – headaches, sluggishness, constipation, indigestion and sleepless nights.

Now there’s a new line of over-the-counter remedies to provide pregnant and nursing women the safest solutions to their common ailments; healthy mama is the first-to-market, complete brand just for mamas-to-be and new mamas.


The healthy mama line was founded by Rachel Katz-Galatt, mother of two, who during her first pregnancy experienced confusion, frustration and anxiety with the process of selecting over the counter (OTC) products for her ailments. After not receiving a call back from her OB/GYN, she resorted to the internet for a solution and mistakenly selected a remedy that was later deemed not safe during pregnancy. She decided there had to be a better way and has made it her mission to help other mothers have the safest, most worry-free pregnancies possible.


The healthy mama product line does the work for you, with the exception of speaking with your healthcare provider. These products contain ingredients that pregnant and nursing women can take. For example, my OB-GYN told me it’s safe to take acetaminophen to reduce pain and fever whereas it’s unsafe to take aspirin. Acetaminophen is the same ingredient as in Tylenol, so yes if you have Tylenol already on hand, that’s great. But if you’re not aware of this, it’s nice to know there’s a line of products that you can trust has already been vetted for pregnant and nursing women.


I had the opportunity to try healthy mama which was great since I experienced the typical first trimester symptoms (yes, I’m pregnant!). I tried the entire line of products which provided relief:


Shake That Ache! – This 100 count bottle is great for addressing headaches, aches and pain, backaches, fever and breast tenderness. It’s fast acting, dye free, gentle on the stomach and aspirin free. Contains acetaminophen (500 mg).


eaZZZe The Pain! – This 40 count bottle works like Shake That Ache! but also contains diphenhydramine HCI (25mg) to help with sleeplessness. It’s non-habit forming and great if you have a headache before going to bed and want to ensure a good night’s sleep.


Tame The Flame! – At 150 count, these antacid/calcium supplements do the trick when it comes to indigestion, heartburn and sour stomachs. It’s dye free, gluten free, chewable, mint flavored and contains calcium carbonate (500 mg).


Move It Along! – Not the most fun topic to talk about, but constipation is a reality when you’ve got a baby smushing your insides. This 60 count bottle of stool softeners gently relieves constipation and irregularity. It relieves symptoms in 12 to 72 hours, it’s stimulant free and dye free and crushable for quick absorption. Contains docusate sodium (100 mg).


Be Well Rounded! – These prenatal vitamins (60 count) and DHA supplements (2 months supply) are easily absorbed. The vitamins provide 17 essential vitamins and minerals and provide 100% of the Recommended Daily Value of folic acid. They’re also smaller pills than many other brands so they’re easier to swallow. The DHA supplements contain no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, milk, lactose, gluten, wheat, yeast or shellfish. They do contain 450 mg of good-for-you Omega-3.


Boost It Up! – The 12 fl. oz. pregnancy energy drink is great if you lack energy or are experiencing nausea. It’s all natural, caffeine free, hydrates and comes in Mighty Mango flavor. It’s rich in protein, B-vitamins, ginger, fiber and electrolytes. It’s also convenient to stick in your purse to drink when the need arises.


All products are reviewed by the healthy mama medical advisory council which is comprised of leading experts, all serving on the front lines of women’s health, in the areas of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Nursing and Prenatal NutritionAs with all medication, be sure to always consult your healthcare provider prior to taking any medication while pregnant or nursing as no medication is considered 100% safe during pregnancy or nursing. You can speak directly with an expert on medicine safety by calling OTIS at 1.866.626.6847 or by visiting mothertobaby.org, a service provided by OTI.


All products produced in the USA. Shop here: http://healthymamabrand.com/shop/or find healthy mama at Buy Buy Baby, Babies R Us and Toys R Us.

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