
Expand Your Horizons by Traveling With the Family

Contributed by Keisha Dickey

Family TravelIn an increasingly globalized world it is not only becoming more common for kids to be introduced to multiple cultures in their own cities, schools, and communities, but it is also becoming more important to provide them with opportunities to explore and discover new cultures abroad.

Students entering or studying in universities today are often told that an experience abroad will open their eyes and help them better understand the diverse cultures of the world. However there is no reason students must wait until college; kids of all ages can be learning, exploring, and expanding their minds by interacting with new cultures.

If you’re looking to provide your kids with an educational global perspective, here are some ways travel can open the door for you and your family.

New Settings

Whether you live in a city or the countryside, traveling with your kids will allow them to exit their comfort zones and begin to recognize that people throughout the world live in a variety of settings. If you travel on package holidays or tend to tour a region, be sure to explore various urban and rural sites which is something you can even do at home in your own country. However you decide to plan your next trip there are plenty of opportunities to impart some wisdom upon your brood.

Explain and Expose History

The concept of history can be a difficult one for children to grasp, especially at home where the historical sites might be ones they pass and see every day. Travel will allow parents to explain the ways in which different cultures have emerged and developed over time. It can also teach them how some of these ancient cultures can still be experienced and explored through various architectural and archaeological sites for a fun and rewarding experience.

Meet People from Different Backgrounds

One of the great parts of traveling is that you not only have the opportunity to meet people who are from the destination you are visiting, but you also tend to encounter people from across the world. Just as parents often make new friends on vacations, it is equally important that kids discover, interact, and bond with a new and diverse group of friends. This will give your kids an opportunity to encounter everything from new cultural practices to different accents and languages.

Food and Drink

Foreign cuisine is a great way to expand your kids’ horizons by allowing them to experience new sights, smells and tastes. For parents with picky eaters this can sound like a tough practice, but with a little persistence kids soon discover the joys of new foods – which can translate to an openness of trying new things even when at home.

Remember, the sooner you give your kids the opportunity to embrace different cultures and explore a variety of regions around the world, the more likely they are to have an encompassing and global perspective that will benefit their future.


Images by  Roderick Eime used under the Creative Commons License.


  1. I completely agree! I love reading books with the kids about the culture we are visiting or staying in. #twinklytuesday

      1. Hi Maria, I’m bad with Disqus, I just saw your reply. Yes we do travel a lot. my second child is the biggest traveler. he is his father’s adventure companion!

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