
Essential Oils – What They Are and How to Use

essential oils

Are you looking to improve your wellness holistically? Have you heard of essential oils but didn’t know what they were or how to use them?

I can relate.

My first experience with essential oils was 10 years ago when I was pregnant. A friend suggested I use lavender oil to help soothe skin in the perineum area which often gets irritated after giving birth. Though I ended up with an emergency c-section, I still used the lavender oil to soothe affected areas and discovered how effective it was. It also had a wonderful aroma which relaxed and calmed me.

I didn’t use essential oils after that because frankly, I just didn’t know how else to use them. Fast forward many years when I attended a friend’s essential oils information session. Here, I learned about the natural power of essential oils and ways to use them. By then, I had a family with two young children. Though traditional medicines had their place, I wanted to explore alternatives for my family that did not involve artificial ingredients like dyes and chemicals. In short, I was seeking a holistic family first aid kit.

essential oils bottles

I’ve been an avid user of essential oils ever since. It started with a few essential oils, and as I learn about their versatility I’ve branched out to more. Since I’m using essential oils on my loved ones, it’s important that I use pure oils from a trusted, proven brand. My whole family has used essential oils to help maintain and support our wellness as well as to relieve irritations, inflammations, and other discomforts. We have also learned how to use essential oils to make natural, non-toxic DIY solutions like bug sprays and green cleaning products for the home.

I’d like to share what I’ve learned so that you can experience the powerful, natural benefits of essential oils, just like my family and I have.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are highly concentrated compounds found in the roots, bark, seeds, flowers, stems or other areas of a plant. Maybe you’ve heard of essential oils from a friend, in the media, or on the internet. You may wonder if it’s just a fad, something “healthy” and “trendy” like Kombucha, salt cave therapy, and Buddha Bowls. This is not the case, as essential oils have in fact existed for thousands of years.


Essential Oils in History

Cultures from around the worlds have utilized the benefits of essential oils throughout history. In ancient times, people in countries such as Egypt, Greece, Italy, China, India, and France have used plants for health solutions, beauty treatments, religious ceremonies, and burials.

Even the Bible mentions essential oils including cassia, cedarwood, cypress, and more. When Jesus was born, the Three Wise Men brought gifts to him: frankincense, myrrh, and gold. Back then people used frankincense as perfume and myrrh as an anointing oil. Gold, like today, was valuable. Today in Catholic masses, the priest burns frankincense incense as a symbol of the prayer for the faithful rising to heaven.

Essential Oils Are Powerful

Essential oils are potent. They are 50 to 75 times more concentrated than dried herbs. As such, only a small dose is needed to experience their powerful benefits. For example, Peppermint Oil from dōTERRA (the brand I use) is so pure that one drop offers the same benefits as 28 cups of peppermint tea.

Benefits of Using Essential Oils

Essential oils can provide a simple, natural, safe and quick way to manage emotions and physical discomforts. They’re also ideal for adding a burst of flavor when cooking meals as well as for natural cleaning around the home. In short, essential oils are extremely versatile! Here are highlights of some of the many benefits.

Emotional Benefits

  • Calming
  • Energizing
  • Soothing
  • Renewing
  • Invigorating
  • Uplifting
  • Reduces sad and anxious feelings, irritability, restlessness, tension

Physical Benefits

  • Promotes healthy digestion, alleviates occasional stomach upset, relieves occasional constipation
  • Soothes occasional skin irritations, reduces the appearance of aging, protects hair
  • Supports healthy immune function
  • Relieves neck and head tension
  • Relieves seasonal and environmental discomfort to support the respiratory system
  • Promotes restful sleep and relieves occasional sleeplessness
  • Supports cartilage and joint function
  • Helps with weight loss plan
  • Supports bone health
  • Reduces ordinary morning sickness, occasional nausea and motion sickness
  • Relieves minor pain or pain associated with non-disease states
  • Helps restore mental alertness or wakefulness when experiencing fatigue and drowsiness

doterra pain

Home Use

  • Cooking
  • Household Cleaning
  • Hand Soaps
  • Laundry
  • Insect repellent

How to Use Essential Oils


Breathe in, use a diffuser, or freshen the home using the aromatic power of essential oils. To breathe in, inhale directly from the bottle. Or place a drop of oil in the hand, rub palms together, cup hands over the nose and inhale.

Adding essential oils to a diffuser can provide aromatherapy benefits (relaxation, relieve seasonal and environmental discomforts, promote restful sleep, etc.). They can also be very stimulating to help with energy levels and to focus on tasks.

Essential oils are great for cleansing and purifying the air of odors. Just add a couple drops of essential oils to a homemade surface cleanser. For a freshener, mix drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle and mist over furniture, carpet, linens, sports equipment, and more.


Skin can easily absorb essential oils and you can safely apply these topically as long as you’re using pure oils made by a high-quality brand. I use lavender oil on my children whenever they get boo-boos like minor scratches and skin irritations. This oil is also great to help them relax for bedtime and to sleep well. I simply rub a drop of lavender oil on the soles of their feet.

The feet are one of the most common places to use essential oils. This area is an ideal absorption point. The bottom of feet does not contain sebaceous glands which produce a barrier called serum. As such, with no barrier in the way, the body can more efficiently absorb the essential oils. The soles of the feet also have thicker skin so they’re not as sensitive as alternate areas on the body. Other application areas include the neck, forehead and temples, chest and abdomen, arms, wrists, ankles, and legs.

Besides directly placing oils on the skin, there are other effective methods of topical application. When taking a bath, place a few drops of oil in a warm bath. Or mix a few drops of oil with lotions to apply to the skin. If using a hot or cold compress, add 2 drops of oil to a cloth that’s been soaked in water and apply to the area of need.



Essential oils give plants their aroma and flavor. You probably already consume small amounts of essential oils found naturally in plants as part of your everyday diet. It happens when you add basil or oregano to your pasta or drink tea herbal teas like peppermint. You consume it when you sprinkle cinnamon on your French toast or oatmeal.

When concentrated, essential oils as internal supplements can provide more powerful and targeted support. For example, ingesting a drop or two of ginger oil can help support healthy digestion. You can consume essential oils in several ways:

  • Add to a beverage such as water, smoothies, milk, teas, and juices
  • Take in a veggie cap with water or ingest essential oil supplements
  • Put a drop directly under the tongue
  • Use in cooking to add flavor
  • Add to foods such as yogurt or applesauce

Not all essential oils are safe to consume. It is imperative to only ingest pure, unadulterated essential oils that are marked approved for internal use and that have been tested by third parties to ensure purity and safety. Pure essential oils are also important because they provide more potency to effectively support areas in need.

Quality Varies by Brand

Adulterated and Synthetic-Filled Essential Oils Can Harm You

Since essential oils are powerful and people use them on, in, or near their bodies, then quality absolutely must matter. After all, no one wants to put anything harmful on themselves or their families. Use only pure essential oils, and be aware that many in the market are not pure. Some manufacturers cut quality in order to keep prices low. They create adulterated essential oils that contain fillers such as synthetic aroma chemicals and fragrances, plasticizers, alcohol, pesticides, and alcohol. Make sure to only buy from manufacturers who produce essential oils with extreme care and do not degrade them. When the manufacturing process is done correctly, it preserves the natural benefits of the plant which are then passed on to the user.

Doterra essential oils testing

Remember, essential oils are super concentrated. One drop of a synthetic-filled oil will contain the impact of those harmful fillers many times over. The FDA only regulates guidelines and restrictions regarding the health claim aspects in marketing: No natural health product marketing can claim that it treats, prevents, or cures any health condition, even if scientific research exists to back it up.

Why I Trust dōTERRA

Transparency of the manufacturer is important. That’s why I use dōTERRA essential oils. They don’t cut corners to save on costs. They do not believe in adulterating their oils. With no FDA standard for essential oil quality in place, dōTERRA has created its own strict testing process and quality control process called CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade to ensure their oils are free of fillers and foreign contaminants. DōTERRA tests every single batch of oil not only in-house but also via extensive third-party independent testing by the lab Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC) which has no allegiance to dōTERRA.

DōTERRA grows and harvests plants in regions around the world that are most ideal for producing quality, effective oils. DōTERRA documents every batch of oil. They stamp the lot number and expiration date on the bottom of every bottle, and you can look up online where, when and how the company sourced the oil. You can also find out the laboratory chemical profile test results of each batch. Many other brands, especially inexpensive ones, either do not test the quality of their products or they conduct less rigorous testing. They’re often not transparent with their manufacturing processes and therefore can easily hide synthetic fillers and additives (used to keep costs down). I can’t risk the health of me and my family by using questionable oils. That’s why I only trust dōTERRA.


How to Get dōTERRA in Your Home

You can purchase doTERRA directly through my site on doTERRA by CLICKING HERE. Read the sections below if you want more details on becoming a Wholesale Member to get a 25% discount off your order every time.

Try dōTERRA at a 25% Discount

When you’re trying essential oils for the first time, having someone to guide you along the way is important. That’s where I come in. I can help you learn how to use the oils to best maximize their benefits for you and your family. I’m also there for any questions you may have, like to determine which essential oils are the most effective to support any physical, emotional, or household issues you’d like to address.

Step 1:  Sign up to become a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate. If you’re not sure, please go to Step 2.

  • Wholesale Customer: This is the most cost-effective and is similar to Costco, Sam’s Club, or BJ’s where members receive discounted goods. You’ll receive 25% off retail prices on every order with NO COMMITMENT or required monthly minimum orders. Membership is only $35 per year which is waived the first year if you sign up and purchase a starter kit) – in other words, your membership is FREE! If you’d like to become a Wholesale Customer to take advantage of 25% discount, please click here to create your account.
  • Wellness Advocate: If you’d like to be a Wellness Advocate (like me – where you can earn bonuses and 10%-30% of your purchase back in FREE product points) please click here.  As a Wellness Advocate, you’ll automatically become a Wholesale Customer and receive 25% off every order.

Step 2:  Fill out a survey for a FREE consultation with me.

Whether you already know you want to try dōTERRA or you aren’t sure and have questions, fill out this simple and quick 5-question survey for a FREE consultation by clicking here.


If you need help with creating your account (I can walk you through the steps) or would like more information on dōTERRA essential oils and products, please contact me via my quick and easy 5-question survey contact page by clicking here.

Empower yourself to care for your loved ones in a natural way, free from harmful toxins and chemicals. Essential oils are so versatile whether used on the body or throughout the home. Just like there’s a saying “There’s an app for that,” the same can be said for essential oils. Almost everything you need support with for your family and home…there’s an essential oil for that! And I’m here to help you receive the same benefits from them that my family has experienced.

Contact Me Today to Get Started on Your Wellness Journey

Related Posts:

Find all my essential oil posts by CLICKING HERE. Below are examples of a few of the essential oil posts available.

20 Uses for Lavender Oil to Improve Skin, Hair, Mood, and Sleep
Peppermint OIl – 25 Uses to Improve Your Wellbeing…and Even Repel Insects!
Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil – 15 Uses to Purify, Soothe, and Refresh the Body and Home
Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Apple Cake Recipe
Honey Roasted Carrots With Jam and Thyme Essential Oil
Peppermint Chocolate Cookies
Lemon Asparagus with Parmesan and Lemon Essential Oil

Disclaimers: Based on my personal experience using dōTERRA, I decided to become a Wellness Advocate to help others in their journey toward a healthier holistic lifestyle. BiculturalMama.com is an approved dōTERRA certified site which means I’m allowed to talk about dōTERRAThe statements in the post above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is not intended to replace medical help through your doctor. 

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