How COVID-19 is Being Dealt with Around the World

The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing in most countries around the world. Many countries are beginning to consider returning to business, however. The World Health Organization has been assisting various countries in determining a plan. Continue reading below for an idea of how many countries are handling COVID-19.

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Forbes claims that Vietnam contains some of the most supportive citizens. These citizens are supportive in the fact that they stand behind the government’s plans on combating COVID-19. At least 95% of Vietnamese people claim that their government is making the right choices on a very well or somewhat well basis. Vietnam utilizes contact-tracing in their isolation proceedings to combat the virus.


Italy is one of the worse hit countries dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This country has the most deaths from the virus in the entire European continent. Italy implemented a strict lockdown throughout the hardest hit regions. This lockdown remains in place, but some restrictions are beginning to ease. Children’s stores and stationers are beginning to open back up.


The pandemic has also hit Spain very hard. The Spanish government put in place a strict, yet controversial, stay-at-home order to help ease the spread of the virus. The end date for this order is April 26, but Spain may extend it into May. Some industries have already returned to work as of April 13, however, such as the construction and manufacturing industries. Hospitals, which of course have been open through it all, have taken great measures to ensure the safety of their providers

France and the United Kingdom

France and the United Kingdom have similar measures in place. Each country was also hit hard by the pandemic. Each country each had over 10,000 deaths. Their stay-at-home orders were extended for the time being in order to protect as many as possible. Some businesses and schools are expected to re-open in mid-May.

Austria and Poland

Austria and Poland were not hit quite as hard as other European countries by the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 14, Austria reopened small businesses as long as they were not larger than 400 square meters. Poland is expected to open back up larger businesses on May 1.

New Zealand

New Zealand has been one of the most effective countries in the fight against COVID-19. The country has decided to enter its fight against the virus with a mindset of destroying the specific virus called Sars-CoV-2. The curve has already been flattened in New Zealand as well. There are only currently a little over 1,400 cases and less than ten deaths.

United States of America

The United States is one of the most confusing countries regarding the easing of restrictions for COVID-19. Each state is choosing to implement its own measures in choosing when to re-open businesses. The federal plan is for businesses to open by May 1, but this varies by each state. The United States has the highest number of infections and of deaths.


Canada had a relatively strict stay-at-home order put in place in order to combat COVID-19. The country intends to keep all non-essential businesses closed for at least a few more weeks in order to slow down the spread. It has begun opening more essential businesses, however. Many less essential businesses such as restaurants, movie theaters, concert halls, and even gyms, have encouraged their customers to stay at home until the virus is gone.


Scientists believe COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China in Hubei province. The Chinese Communist issued strict lockdown protocols, affecting more than 60 million Hubei residents. Its efforts appear to be paying off. China has experienced consecutive days of no new cases, though these have been disrupted periodically by a few new cases imported by people returning to China from other countries. On April 8, China lifted Wuhan’s lockdown.

Final Thoughts

The COVID-19 pandemic has had impacts around the world. It has impacted families, hospitals, business owners. governments, and more by disrupting their daily lives. There’s a “new normal” that may persist until treatment or a vaccine of COVID-19 is found. Until then, please stay safe!

About the Author: Austin Winder is a Public Relations Specialist and contributing author. He lives in Memphis, TN and graduated with a business and marketing degree from the University of Memphis.

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