Bicultural Mama on Bicultural Parenting: Spanish4Kiddos Interview
Bicultural parenting is something ingrained in the everyday lives of my family. We are a Chinese-American and Caucasian family, and we proud of both heritages. I’m honored that the blog Spanish4Kiddos interviewed me on how I’m raising my two daughters with awareness of their backgrounds.
In the interview, I discuss the important of bilingualism at home, multicultural traditions to encourage language learning, who’s my favorite multicultural author and more. Here’s a quote where I talk about my message, hope, and goal for
“I hope that Bicultural Mama can educate and inspire others regarding parenting, culture, and lifestyle (food/travel). I’d love for it to be a trusted resource for not only parents in bi-cultural families but also non-bicultural ones who are interested in learning more about other cultures.”
Read the full interview
on here: Bicultural Mama Interview
What are your parenting tips for families with dual cultures? Share them with our readers in the comments!